HTG评论D-Link DWA-192:您渴望的尖叫快速死亡星状Wi-Fi适配器
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D-Link’s newest Wi-Fi adapter offers both an eye catching design and eye catching hardware specs, but does the power contained in this little Death Star shaped adapter merit the premium price? We put it through the paces so you don’t have to.

D-Link的最新Wi-Fi适配器同时具有引人注目的设计和引人注目的硬件规格,但是这款小小的“死亡之星”形适配器所包含的电源是否值得高价出售? 我们会按部就班,因此您不必这样做。

什么是D-Link DWA-192? (What Is The D-Link DWA-192?)

The DWA-192 is the latest Wi-Fi adapter offering from D-Link. The adapter eschews the traditional USB dongle form factor for a stylized spherical shape. While there was some debate around the office as to whether it looked more like the Death Star or a Poké Ball we all agreed, regardless of the Sci-Fi universe its design hailed from, that it was good looking and a nice departure from standard Wi-Fi adapter designs.

DWA-192是D-Link提供的最新Wi-Fi适配器。 该适配器避开了传统的USB加密狗形状因数,从而实现了球形的形状。 尽管办公室周围围绕着它看起来更像是死亡之星还是神奇宝贝球,我们都在争论,但我们都同意,无论其设计所基于的科幻宇宙如何,它的外观都不错,并且与标准Wi -Fi适配器设计。

The design isn’t merely superficial, however, as the little sphere packs a 3×3 Wi-Fi antenna array inside arranged for maximum signal coverage. Although the “3×3” term is thrown around a lot in Wi-Fi networking terminology and reviews, the important thing to note here is that 3×3 antenna arrays are usually found in the router (and the nicer routers at that) but this is the first product we’ve seen that packs the 3×3 array into the Wi-Fi adapter. The end result is a speedy little USB 3.0 adapter that boasts an AC1900 rating with an upper limit of 1300Mbps on the 5 GHz band and 600Mpbs on the 2.4 GHz band.

但是,该设计不仅仅是表面的,因为小球体内部装有3×3 Wi-Fi天线阵列,以最大程度地覆盖信号。 尽管在Wi-Fi网络术语和评论中经常使用“ 3×3”这个术语,但这里要注意的重要一点是路由器 (以及那个更好的路由器)中通常会发现3×3天线阵列,但是这是我们见过的第一个将3×3阵列包装到Wi-Fi 适配器中的产品 。 最终结果是一个快速的小型USB 3.0适配器,具有AC1900额定值,其5 GHz频段的上限为1300Mbps,而2.4 GHz频段的上限为600Mpbs。

Although the DWA-192 is a tad bulkier than many skinny plug + antenna Wi-Fi adapters it isn’t particularly large. The sphere is 3.15″ in diameter (slightly larger than a baseball) and, seen in the photo above next to the best selling Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse 5000 (a compact device in its own right) you get a sense of its scale. Although it’s really intended more for home use than for travel use, it does pack surprisingly well because there are no antennas sticking out and thus no concern they’ll bend or break.

尽管DWA-192比许多纤细的插头+天线Wi-Fi适配器要大一些,但它并不是特别大。 该球体的直径为3.15英寸(比棒球略大),如上图所示,在最畅销的Microsoft蓝牙鼠标5000(本身就是紧凑型设备)旁边,您可以感觉到它的规模。 尽管实际上它打算用于家庭用途,而不是用于旅行用途,但是它确实包装得非常好,因为没有天线伸出,因此不用担心它们会弯曲或折断。

The DWA-192 has an MSRP of $129.99 but is and is .

DWA-192的厂商建议零售价为129.99美元,但 , 。

设置 (Setting It Up)

Like most modern USB-based equipment the setup was about as hassle free as can be. , plug it in, and you’re good to go. If you have WPS enabled on your router, simply press the WPS button located on the back of the device (the small button seen below to the right of the USB cable) and then press the WPS button on your router. If you have WPS disabled or prefer to enter your Wi-Fi credentials manually you just open up the Wi-Fi manager on your computer and input them like you would for any Wi-Fi adapter.

像大多数现代的基于USB的设备一样,安装过程几乎没有麻烦。 ,将其插入,一切顺利。 如果您在路由器上启用了WPS,只需按设备背面的WPS按钮(USB电缆右侧下方的小按钮),然后按路由器上的WPS按钮。 如果您禁用了WPS,或者希望手动输入Wi-Fi凭据,则只需在计算机上打开Wi-Fi管理器,然后像输入任何Wi-Fi适配器一样输入它们即可。

The indicator ring around the center of the sphere gives immediate feedback: dark indicates no power, blinking indicates no connection, and solid indicates everything is good to go and the device is connected successfully to a Wi-Fi network. If the indicator light is too bright or annoying (we thought it was subtle and pleasant but you may disagree if it’s lighting up your bedroom at night) you can press the LED button, located to the left of the USB plug in the photo above, to turn it off.

球体中心周围的指示器环可立即提供反馈:黑色表示没有电源,闪烁表示没有连接,并且稳定表示一切正常,并且设备已成功连接到Wi-Fi网络。 如果指示灯太亮或烦人(我们认为它微妙而令人愉悦,但您可能不同意晚上是否点亮卧室),则可以按上方照片中USB插头左侧的LED按钮,将其关闭。

绩效基准 (Performance Benchmarks)

We’ll be the first to admit that we find performance benchmarks to be a tad boring. We log a lot of time wandering out test sites with laptops and adapters, testing router limits, measuring transmission speeds and, well, frankly, these days most gear is fast enough for most people. Your email reading, no video game playing, no Netflix watching parents, for example, don’t need a screaming faster premium Wi-Fi adapter. Heck maybe even you don’t have much of a need for the fastest USB Wi-Fi adapter currently on the market.

我们将是第一个承认我们发现性能基准有些无聊的人。 我们花费大量时间在笔记本电脑和适配器上徘徊在测试现场,测试路由器限制,测量传输速度,坦率地说,如今,大多数人对大多数设备的速度已经足够快了。 例如,您的电子邮件阅读,无需视频游戏,无需Netflix观看父母,都不需要尖叫的更快的高级Wi-Fi适配器。 哎呀,甚至您对目前市场上最快的USB Wi-Fi适配器也没有太大的需求。

But if you do need a screaming faster Wi-Fi adapter for a computer on your home network we can assure you, having run the dry benchmarks and crunched the numbers, that the DWA-192 is the fastest USB Wi-Fi adapter we’ve tested to date (and it not only blew older Wi-Fi adapters out of the water but current generation adapters as well). During out site-wide test the adapter never failed to deliver above 270Mbps with a speed of 270Mbps at the edge of the property on which it was tested (approximately 85 feet from the router) all the way up to 405Mbps when tested in the same room as the router.

但是,如果您确实需要家庭网络中的计算机使用速度更快的Wi-Fi适配器,我们可以保证,在运行基准测试并计算得出的数字后,DWA-192是我们拥有的最快的USB Wi-Fi适配器进行了最新的测试(不仅将旧的Wi-Fi适配器从水中吹了出来,而且还淘汰了当前的适配器)。 在整个站点范围内的测试过程中,适配器在被测试对象的边缘(距路由器约85英尺)始终以270Mbps的速度提供高于270Mbps的速度,直到在同一房间内进行测试时一直达到405Mbps的速度作为路由器。

好的,坏的和判决 (The Good, The Bad, and the Verdict)

After installing, benchmarking, and using the adapter for a spell, what’s our verdict?


善良 (The Good)

  • The adapter was easy to install and the drivers are frequently updated.

  • Indicator light is pleasant (but can be turned off if you find it irritating)

  • The unit is easy to move/place for best coverage and looks nice out in the open.

  • Self-contained spherical design isn’t just stylish, it packs well and protects the antennas from damage.


坏人 (The Bad)

  • Although you get a huge performance boost, is more than you’ll pay for other Wi-Fi adapters on the market.


判决 (The Verdict)

Really our Good/Bad list says it all. The DWA-192’s only downside is the price. If you need a screaming fast USB Wi-FI adapter, you have an 802.11ac-class router to pair it with, and you’re comfortable with the price point, there’s really no reason not to buy it. It looks good, it’s easy to setup, and it’s the fastest USB Wi-Fi adapter on the market as well as the first (and currently only) USB 3.0 1900ac Wi-Fi adapter with a 3×3 antenna array.

确实,我们的好/坏清单说明了一切。 DWA-192的唯一缺点是价格。 如果您需要尖叫的快速USB Wi-Fi适配器,则可以将其与802.11ac级路由器配对,并且对价格感到满意,实际上没有理由不购买它。 它看起来不错,易于安装,它是市场上最快的USB Wi-Fi适配器,也是第一个(目前唯一)带有3×3天线阵列的USB 3.0 1900ac Wi-Fi适配器。



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